Sunday, August 3, 2008

Leaving in a few hours

Well we will be leaving in just a few hours for Dallas. Andy has decided that he needs to stay here for a few days and get some things around the house finished. He will come up at the end of the week for a few days. My mother will be going with us today and be staying for the 4 weeks. You don't really realize how much you need for a month until you pack. Peyton has LOTS of stuff we must take.....5 cases of formula, case of bags for his pump, diapers, things to keep him occupied and the list goes on........ I must go so that I can finish packing.


Terry Holman said...

Dear Katie, Peyton, Andy, Linda and all involved. Just when I think I've learned email, we're on to facebook, and before I can even learn that, we're on to blogging. I really don't know what I'm doing with this blogging, but we will pray for all of you including the doctors, nurses and therapists. Keep us posted. Love to all. Terry and Keith

Miss Ann said...

Dear Peyton, Mom, Dad, and GaGa,
Just wanted to let you know how very proud I am that you did so GREAT your first day. You keep up the good work, I am rooting for you all the way little man.
Katie: Thank you for letting me be a part of Peyton's life, he never ceases to amaze me! I will check the blog as often as I can. I wish you all well!
Miss Ann