Thursday, January 22, 2009

The new Skyfort Swing Set!!!!

Peyton got a new toy! A swing set and he loves it. It took us days to put together but was well worth it. Did I say he LOVES it!!! Here are a some pictures of us putting it together. Thanks to Andy and my Dad for putting it together.

He is finally able to swing on his new swing set.

It took us three whole days to finish but it is well worth it. Here it is finished!

Tonight we all played on the swing set. Peyton was having so much fun. I can see many hours being spent out here.

Peyton and Daddy up in the crow's nest checking out the telescope.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Guess who finally rode his truck!!!

Peyton has been playing on his big truck in the living room since Christmas day. He loves getting on it and playing but does not want anything to do with it going. We have tried and tried to get him to get on it while we push the button but nothing. Well tonight Andy got on it and rode back and forth in the living room and finally Peyton decided to give it a try!!! How exciting. Tomorrow if it gets nice out we may try it outside.

Monday, January 12, 2009

My little book boy!

Peyton loves books. He will let you read books for hours. Sometimes he wants the same book read over and over again. There are ever a few books that he has almost memorized. I am amazed. The other night I had a stack of books in the dinning room to put on the book shelf and before I could put them away he had them all scattered on the floor. He was sitting in the middle of all the books and was reading them. I hope that he continues to love books. Here are a few pictures.....

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Pictures from Kids View

Back to our Busy life.

I had a great two weeks off for Christmas and loved every minute of it. I got to just be mom! We had a great time. We played, went to therapy, went shopping, played, played and played. He did not get to go horse back riding over Christmas break because Windridge was also on break. The last few days before I had to go back to work were beautiful (in the 70's). My mother and I took Peyton to the park for the first time and he had a great time. We got in the swing, climbed up all the things, went down the slide and wondered all around Kids View. I will post new pictures very soon. I really did not look forward to going back to work but that time did come.
Peyton was able to get back to riding Star this week. He loves riding so much. I still have not been able to go and watch him but my mother tell me all about it. I look forward to the time I can go. Maybe spring break!!!
This past week Peyton had another swallow study done here locally. What a chore!!! Of course he HATED it! By the end of the test both of us had barium all over. He is swallowing very well and he even tolerated just plain liquid. So now in Speech they are going to work with liquid that is not thickened. We are still working on the eating and drinking. He is doing pretty good with the eating just as long as there in not much texture. We are struggling with the textures still. He still does not like drinking. We continue to work with him daily. He will one day be eating and drinking great. We just have to patiently wait.